Ok, time to fess up. I HATE going to the Dentist. I don't know why..maybe because I have soft teeth and lots of fillings. I don't know. I cringe at the sound of the drill, my jaws hurt just thinking about going. If you know me, you might not believe this but I have a small mouth so it makes it hard for the hygienist to clean my teeth..anyway, just all around NOT a pleasant experience. My Dentist and Hygienist are EXTREMELY patient and good with me..I just want to be VERY clear on that.
When Jonathan came along I was determined to not let my phobia rub off on him. When he was very young I would take him with me in his little carrier and the receptionist would watch him while I was getting my teeth cleaned. When he got older he would go back with me and "read" a book and watch. Then when he was 2 the Dentist started checking his teeth and cleaning them. They just did a "getting him used to it" kind of thing. So, thankfully he doesn't mind going and he has only had one or two cavities.
Friday was payday and that means grocery shopping but I told Jonathan that we couldn't shop this Friday because we had our Dentist appointments. They just built a new office and I was kind of looking forward to going this time to check out the new office. Every morning Jonathan and I have a PLAN for the day. This time the plan was, as soon as I was done working I would go straight to the school and pick him up at 2 and then straight to the Dentist office for my appointment at 3 and his at 4.
So, Friday morning it was raining and they were calling for sleet at 4 am when I got up. Jonathan and I checked the weather and the school web site for closings or delays. None. Excellent. Jonathan checked right before we left at 5am and nothing. So, off we go. I drop him off at school at 5:40 and then went to work. When I got to work it was sleeting. Around 7:30 am I get a call from Jonathan, they have closed school. Nice! (read with sarcasm) I told him there was nothing I could do except maybe call his Aunt...could he call a friend? He said so far he was fine that security hadn't told him to leave yet. I told him if they did he could walk to Walmart and start the grocery shopping hehe..he didn't think so...So he sat there all day long doing homework and watching Netflix on his laptop.
Anyway, I show up at school to pick him up right around 2 and I'm hoping that the Dentist has had cancellations due to the weather and they will get us right in. We walk into the nice new office and the receptionist says Can I help you? (she knows us so this is kind of a weird greeting) I said..we are here for our appointments to get out teeth cleaned..she says ooookaaaay...I said we are a little early our times are 3 and 4 and she says...your appointments are on the 22nd...I said yes...isn't today the 22nd? She said......of March...oh..ooops...Even the lady behind us in line was laughing.Yeah, we were a little early all right! As Jonathan and I were walking out the door I said..Tell NO ONE!! He said..oh no..I'm telling...
So, we got back in the car and drove 35 min. back the way we had just come so we could do the grocery shopping. So, at least that got done!
LOL! I love it! (and I'm laughing *with* you because i've totally been there)I just love the relationship you have with your son. <3