Saturday, March 16, 2013

Reese's Brownies

I made these brownies today. Actually I made 3 batches of brownies.  Jonathan needed some brownies for a bake sale so I made 1 batch of brownies with chocolate chips, one with Reese's Cups and one batch with chocolate chips and walnuts. I saw the  Reese's recipe on Pinterest and thought I would try it.
 I took a regular brownie mix and followed the directions on the box for "cake like" brownies. I poured half of the mix in the 13x9 dish.  Then I put the unwrapped Reese's cups on top of the batter and then covered with the rest of the brownie batter.

They baked for about 30 min. until a toothpick inserted 2 inches for the side came out clean.
Jonathan and I had to try them before he took the rest to sell...I liked them because you can see and taste the peanut butter part.

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