Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Today we have SNOW..or at least we had snow on Saturday and Sunday. I didn't even know it was going to snow on Saturday. I got up with Bobby since he was leaving to go bus driving and he said " Looks like I will be driving in the rain". Then I went back to bed and woke up to this beautiful, light, snow. I didn't even have time to go get the obligatory bread, milk and eggs!
 This is the perfect kind of snow. It came and went on the weekend so I didn't have to drive in the frozen, slippery kind at 4:30 in the morning! This kind was big, wet flakes that was absolutely beautiful to see. We were able to still get out and about and we kept our power! Yeah!! See, the perfect snow.
Part of the back yard

                                Sunshine LOVES playing in the snow

Sunshine waiting for Jonathan to throw the snow ball so she can go "fetch"

Looking for the snow ball....

Part of the front yard with the driveway and the front deck

These pictures are from Sunday. What a sunny day! It was gorgeouse!!

Back yard off the deck

Love this picture! Love my new camera!
(Thanks Mom and Dad!!!)

                                                 Front yard

Thanks for visiting!

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