Monday, January 28, 2013

Socks and Graycie are helpers

Baby Socks and Graycie help my Mom play Solitaire on the iPad

Socks is holding the chair while Jonathan changes a light bulb.

Socks is trying to get at a stink bug on the ceiling even though there is no way he can reach the ceiling...

Socks is EXHAUSTED after going through all
of the black Friday sale papers

Graycie is helping Bobby by grooming his hair

Socks is helping me wrap Christmas presents
Noooo he's not stuck in the plastic bag....

Socks helping Jonathan play with his new Christmas toys

Socks helping me color my hair
by making sure the directions don't get away

Graycie is trimming Jonathan's hair
by chewing off the ends

Socks helping me do the laundry
by laying on top of the hamper

                                     And checking the water levels

           ...and finally helping me check under the refrigerator for dust               
                           bunnies..bunnies? where are the bunnies?
                                       can I play with them.....

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