Saturday, January 26, 2013

This week in review (Socks addition)

Socks had a very eventful week this week. I was trying to think of all the trouble he got into this week and I don't think I can remember everything. I might just have to start doing a Socks in Trouble category every day. Hmm lets see, one day he shredded a roll of toilet paper

Another day he got up on my dresser and knocked off everything that was on top of it. I came home and walked into the bedroom and there was all my jewelry on the floor with some clothes on top and a lamp. I bought a lamp to replace the one he broke but haven't put it on the bedside table yet because he keeps knocking the broken lamp over. I figure, if I put the new lamp on the table he will just break it right? He is SO stinkin cute though because I will say "OH NO, Socks! WHAT DID YOU DO!?" and he will come running up and sit there and look at the mess and actually meow like he is SO proud of himself. He is all like.. Yeah I did that isn't it great??

I have a tote bag in the laundry room with books in it that I have read and am going to give away. They just haven't made it to the car yet. Socks likes to lay on top of the books and wait for us to come in the door. One morning I woke up and went out to the laundry room to get uniforms out of the dryer and there was the book bag knocked over and the books slung all over the room. My guess is that Socks got stuck in a handle and knocked over the bag in trying to get out of the bag the book went flying..just a theory.

Hubby works 2 jobs. At his regular job he works 7 nights for 12 hours each night for a total of 80 hours in one week, Yeah, I know, I couldn't do it either but he has done this for almost 25 years now. Then he is off for 7 days. When he is off from the regular job, he drives a bus. He doesn't get a lot of trips but it gives him a little extra money. Recently the company he works for took 27 buses of people to the inauguration. That was a LONG day for him. Anyway, he had to pack a suitcase and take it since they spent the first night in a hotel. He came home and left the suitcase (unzipped) on the cedar chest at the foot of our bed and Socks knocked that off spilling the contents all over the floor. Hubby came around the corner and I told him..say Socks what did you do?? so he did and Socks came running into the bedroom and sat right on the suitcase an meowed at hubby! He was so proud of that mess!

Socks also jumped up on my end table in the living room and knocked over my cup of water all over the mail that was on the table and also splashed water on my brand new camera. Thankfully he only got the strap wet!!

The last thing I can remember him getting into this week is that he jumped up on the bathroom counter and knocked over the plastic container with hubby's q-tips in it and spilled them all in the sink. He had one and was batting it around on the kitchen floor is what made me go look to see where he had gotten it from. Bless his heart. He just can't help himself. hubby says we should re name him. Trouble..aww...he can't help it he's just a baby....

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