Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Snow?? Really???

So, I'm a little behind on blogging but i have been taking pictures...does that count? Maybe not. *Sigh* I will get better at time management..someday...

In Weather news, here in Virginia we had rain, sleet and then snow on April 4th. I think it surprised a lot of people including me. Jonathan was inside picking up the pizza and I was waiting in the car when I heard this *ping* *ping* *ping* sound and I'm all is sleet? Really? and it really was. Jonathan got in the car and we headed home and then I said..that looks like snow..and it was..LOL It snowed for awhile but since the temperature had been in the 60's the ground was too warm and it didn't stick. There were some accidents around since the sleet started during rush hour and I think people just didn't realise that it was slick! Anyway, just a little bit of excitement.

I guess i should say that we really don't get much snow around here at all during Winter and hardly ever during Spring.

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