Tuesday, January 15, 2013


So, tonight you get to meet Sunshine. She was born in 2003. A local pet rescue organization was outside a pet store with pets up for adoption. She was there with her litter mates. Hubby said we wanted a Golden Retriever puppy and right off the bat I saw Sunshine and asked the helper if I could hold her. They said she is a Golden Retriever Springer Spaniel Mix.  She was so scared! I held her inside my jacket because she was shivering and it was a cool day. Jonathan liked that they share a birth month. Both born in October.

We were able to take her home that same day and have loved every day with her! Jonathan picked out her name. He said we should call her Sunshine because she is a ball of energy and she lights up our life....awww...
She is supposed to be Jonathan's dog but somewhere along the lines she became hubby's dog too! (and when they aren't around she is MY dog haha)

Sunshine is very skittish. We don't know what happened before we adopted her but she is very afraid of anything that is different. If you move the trash can over a couple inches from where it usually sits she comes beebopping around the corner and slams the breaks on like "What in the world is THAT??" I feel bad that everything scares her. She is a VERY good dog and hubby trained her to do a few tricks that come in handy. If I'm out in the kitchen cooking and drop something on the floor it's automatically hers. If I say "Leave it!" she won't touch it. Most of the time she can have whatever it was but if it's hot or not good for her that command comes in handy. She also knows "Shhhhh quiet" If hubby is sleeping and we are leaving we put Sunshine in the room with hubby. I open the door and say "Shhhh quiet!" and Sunshine very lightly jumps on the bed and curls up to go to sleep. If I say "Get Daddy!" She pounces on the bed and goes right up to hubby's face and licks all over his face and ears! She is so smart!

She LOVES riding in the car. We took her along when we went to an amusement park since they had a kennel on the property. We also took her along when we went on a mini vacation and she got to stay in the hotel and then in the kennel at another amusement park. She loves being with her people. She also got to go along when we went to Tennessee and to Maryland to visit family.

I was trying to get their picture.
This series of pictures makes me smile even though a couple pictures are out of focus. 

She REALLY wanted whatever I was eating...

She gives the bestest hugs!

                      She wasn't so sure about sharing space with Graycie
                                             More hugs for Daddy!!
She watched movies with us on New Years Eve

She knows "Kiss, Kiss!" Big Slurpee kiss for Daddy

She LOVES her Jonathan!

You might not be able to see but Jonathan has the fish lips going on and Sunshine has her tongue out..hehe

                                  She really thinks she's a lap dog
She has a great time playing in the bed with hubby. They growl and snarl and she shows her fangs and looks all ferocious and the whole time her tail is just a waggin! Of course the wagging tail attracts Socks' attention...

and that is our Sunshine!

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