Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Well, nothing exciting to report today. Just a normal Tuesday. Hohum...So, I will tell you about something that happened Sunday. If you know me at all, you know that I can't tell you the story unless I start at the beginning. Ever since Jonathan was born we have traveled together. We have been back and forth to Tennessee, a lot, and back and forth to Rhode Island..yes, I made that trip with just an infant and me...we have been to Maryland and to Ohio. I think that's all but anyway, he has ALWAYS been a GREAT traveler. When he was old enough we would check out books on CASSETTE from the library and he would sit in his car seat and carefully follow along (do you remember? *ding turn the page now* LOL) He LOVED those books! Anyway, we would also sing along to my cassette tapes in the car. Loudly..and off key... We sang to Mitch Miller and the Gang ("Hang your Head OOOOOOVer, hear the wind blooow..hear the wind blow Love, hear the wind blowww LOL or Oh my Darlin oh my Darlin oh my DAaaaaarlin Clementime..you are lost and gone foreeeever oh my darlin Clementinennnn  teehee)..we sang to Karen Carpenter and Barry Manilow and Abba. We had a blast. Now for the past 10 years or so he  won't play anymore but he is still a great car rider..and I don't have a cassette player so we don't play those good ol' tapes anymore *sigh*. I still sing along with the radio and sometimes I get ahead of the song..you know..start singing the next line before the professional gets there, and this bothers Jonathan. He will say "Wait for it..." But I don't care, I keep going. They should keep up with me right? So, this brings me to today's story, ( I know....finally!) Sunday we were in church and singing away. They sing a lot of the new, modern day chorus' at our church and I prefer the Hymns so when they finally pick a Hymn I sing along. How?? Remember? That's right, loudly and probably off key. So, I am really diggin this song (I don't know, are you aloud to "dig" a hymn?) anyway, I am singing away and then without telling me they change the speed of the song..so I'm all like JESUS..JESUS (I'm not cursing those are the words to the song,remember? we were in church) and NO ONE ELSE was singing!!!! There was this long pause for an instrumental!!! Jonathan leaned over and whispered.."WAIT for it!!!" Well!!! Who added that pause?? It was not in the original! HAHAHA I was SO embarrassed!! No one even turned around so I was happy about that!
Hope you enjoyed the story! Dinner is ready got to go.

1 comment:

  1. LOL! Renee, of course you can dig a hymn!!! Those are some of the most amazing songs!

    I had to laugh at Johnathan's "wait for it", that was hilarious. I really love that you can laugh at yourself :)
